Sunday, February 6, 2011

What I love about sundays

After a good nights rest for everyone especially Gracie and her little side kick that never leaves her, its Sunday! Sundays are always so nice. We wake up, get ready and head to church. We had a wonderful service today its great to be around people who share your passion for the Lord, but you know how it is for some reason church makes your metabolism increase or something because by noon we are completely famished!! The hunger was so strong in us all Gracie even got caught hiding behind the recliner with a bag of  her daddy's chocolate donuts! In not a moment too soon we finally wound up with the best onion strings I had ever tasted!! It also could have been the fact that I was so hungry a can of dog food might have actually tasted like fillet Mignon but in any case I was impressed!
Now it's on to play in the snow for a bit. My very inventive 9yr old and his trusty four legged companion have been working on his masterpiece finally it has past the final inspection and is ready for all to see!
I LOVE IT! Now get in it so I can get the full effect of you being the king of the castle!
TRANSLATION- for picture purposes
Yes son, I know there is still 4 inches of snow on the ground in your castle, your getting wet, and it's freezing just hold still and smile...
There's that blog worthy photo I was looking for, ok now your done, you can go in and join your dad and your sister watching ERNEST SCARED STUPID, And that is what I love about Sundays!
For me the day is not over yet though, it is time for me to get all the lesson plans done for the week and prepare the materials for our CC class tomorrow. So as much as I would love to continue to sit here and blog the rest must wait til tomorrow! Love you guys and until tomorrow....


  1. Awesome castle! I love that you are blogging now. If you were still in Owasso at CC, you wouldn't have class tomorrow and could keep blogging all night long...just sayin'...we miss you!!! Have a great week!

  2. Next year Les, Next year we'll be back we've missed everyone too! but just wondering how come I cant see you following me?! Lol...

  3. Oh and since i'm following your blog now how come it doesnt show that either?
